The cure for several mental illnesses.
The act of cuddling is said to help with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self harm etc.
by Steve5214 April 4, 2016
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Hugging, snuggling, massage, and kissing all fall under the cuddling umbrella. There’s no right or wrong way to cuddle, but these common cuddling positions can pave the way to an epic cuddling session.
by Supportivejenny March 15, 2020
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Cuddling is an intimate act in which the girlfriend steals your precious body heat and shoves her freezing cold feet down your pants. She enjoys it. You also secretly enjoy it.
by Buttmunch1991 October 27, 2016
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dude cuddling is just a hug that’s like 10x longer
by anamethatstotallynotaname July 29, 2019
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When you and you’re significant other bundle up in a blanket together and watch a movie
I was cuddling with my girlfriend earlier and it make my dick hard
by Biggie Pappi July 19, 2021
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Prior to contrary belief, cuddling is not only after coitus. If can before. It is the act of showing intimacy with one you care about.
by dantheman21 October 24, 2012
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She was so wet while we were cuddling.
by Thatdude31444 February 12, 2020
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