Crap: a word with too many definitions to define. Possible meanings : feces, random object one is too lazy to name, something considered terrible, etc. It has a tendencie to be used in somewhat unfortunate similies/metaphors. Ex: That tastes like crap.
That was crappy music!
Dude! Flush your crap after you go!
Aww crap.
I cleared out all the crap in my closet.
Get your crap out of my room before I beat the crap out of you!!!!
Dude! Flush your crap after you go!
Aww crap.
I cleared out all the crap in my closet.
Get your crap out of my room before I beat the crap out of you!!!!
by The Generic Psycho September 4, 2009
1. The only word in the English language with a silent 'C' at the beginning. (Alternate spelling: rap)
by Andy December 1, 2004
crap can be defined in many ways
1. the stuff that comes out of your bootyhole when your stummy hurts
2. a great substitute word for a cuss word that you can say infornt of your mom without getting smacked
3. your piece of shit ex/fbuddy that you keep texting
1. the stuff that comes out of your bootyhole when your stummy hurts
2. a great substitute word for a cuss word that you can say infornt of your mom without getting smacked
3. your piece of shit ex/fbuddy that you keep texting
by biyatchhhhh May 6, 2020
He may be a fuckwit, but at least the senior George Bush wasn't as crap with running the country as his nonce-boy son is.
by Willis August 25, 2003
by Tyler May 15, 2005
1. Waste from an organism in a solid form (may also be liquid; e.g. diharrea)petruding from the rectum (or asshole) in most mammals.
2. A most commonly used word in today's society as a subsitute for shit(a curse word in the english language).
2. A most commonly used word in today's society as a subsitute for shit(a curse word in the english language).
by Keegan Sweett July 13, 2008