by Eric Henry September 28, 2005
by sandra November 4, 2004
NOT CONCEITED!!! conceDed!!!!!!!!!!!
Conceited is vain smug arrogant.
to concede is to give up or admit defeat. geddit right.
Conceited is vain smug arrogant.
to concede is to give up or admit defeat. geddit right.
by taking-the-biscuit January 15, 2006
To yield or suffer; to surrender; to grant; as, to concede the bet so as to not be in the running to win anymore.
Even though Mark ended up in first place by the end of the tournament he still lost the bet because he chose to concede when Memphis lost.
by League President March 30, 2009
To be full of yourself.
by Numbar Foar October 14, 2010
by Matt December 29, 2005
when you mispell coincedence because you dont ever use coin as a part of another word unless you're a total nerd.
by you cant have my name November 3, 2010