
Felicia was a comely lass.
by Rabbi Wenzel June 3, 2003
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1. (adj.) beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, makes you want to come.

2. comeliness (noun) the level to which something is comely
Jeff: Her is is so juicy I might have nutted down my leg.
Jon: Yeah, it's pretty comely.

Joe: Agreed. Its comliness is through the roof.
by notapussy May 11, 2010
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come on to

to try to attract someone romantically or sexually
She felt bold and confident enough to come on to him at the party.
by fjii January 14, 2010
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Come On

Michael: I'm not sure I want to do this.
Gob: Come on!
by CJBC December 2, 2006
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come for

To be aggressive toward someone, usually with jealous and/or malicious undertones.
"Don't try to come for me, heifer! You know you just jealous."

"I make six figures, and you're nothing but a housewife. Come for me!!"

"They tried to come for me with some stuff from my past. I wasn't having it."
by natemup June 1, 2014
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come on

Come on is a fast phrase which is meant to persuade someone into understanding a different perspective.

It can be used to attempt to help someone agree/convince them that you have their best intentions in mind.

Come on can also mean that somebody is being too slow, and they need to do something faster.

"Come on" isn't meant to be used literally.

However, the phrase is common, yet vague, nondescript, and should not be used.
I'm trying to get you to agree with me; come on, man!
by thereelme September 26, 2019
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they are coming

A state of mind only obtainable through understanding the fact that they are coming
Observer: I don't understand...
Eileen: That is because... They are coming...
Observer: I understand!
by BossHoss January 28, 2008
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