by world citizen May 15, 2005
by Mary_R April 7, 2010
we all found ourselves mesmerized by the captivator. someone had to hit the door open button twice so that we could get free of it.
by steve stein March 21, 2008
by My defintions not yours November 29, 2019
noun, plural captivities.
the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.
Related forms Expand
precaptivity, noun
semicaptivity, noun
Synonyms Expand
1. bondage, servitude, slavery, thralldom, subjection; imprisonment, confinement, incarceration.
Antonyms Expand
1. freedom.
the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.
Related forms Expand
precaptivity, noun
semicaptivity, noun
Synonyms Expand
1. bondage, servitude, slavery, thralldom, subjection; imprisonment, confinement, incarceration.
Antonyms Expand
1. freedom.
In June 2009, we escaped from captivity, bringing a sudden resolution of a captivity that seemed destined to drag on for years.
Lawand was one of just nine lucky enough to escape after two months of captivity.
Militants have revealed a total of six videos of Bergdahl in captivity, with various demands in exchange for his release.
Lawand was one of just nine lucky enough to escape after two months of captivity.
Militants have revealed a total of six videos of Bergdahl in captivity, with various demands in exchange for his release.
by DSEdefining June 30, 2015
After her vaginal blood farts inside her high mid waist full butt brief panties, she cried being captive inside her bloody high mid waist full butt brief panties that she then just spreaded her legs.
by Arturo Bhutan November 1, 2018