A measure of heat, equal to the amount of energy required to raise one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Not to be confused with the food Calorie (capital C), which is equal to 1 kilocalorie (1000 calories), or the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.
1 calorie = 4.184 joules
1 calorie = 4.184 joules
When people talk about the amount of calories they get from food, they are really referring to Calories, or kilocalories.
by hoyvin-mayvin December 2, 2005
the thing that makes food yummy. The more there are in food the yummier it will be. Its just the law.
by Quimsey April 26, 2006
A thing that sneaks into your closet while you're sleeping to shrink all your clothes whenever you eat a burger.
by HitlerSucks October 31, 2015
a 1"x1"x1" piece of cheese cake has 690 calories which makes you a fatass if you eat it, but an entire bowl of salad has 6.9 calories which makes you a healthy eater; thus the reason why its a myth.
by LTG Huntoon March 1, 2011
by 2357551112456h September 21, 2005
tiny, microscopic creatures who live in your closet who sew up your close each night to make them smaller. They do this out of jealousy and hatred for the human race for not recognizing them as existent.
by slimjimcalorieexterminator January 27, 2012
by 5sostheemos May 3, 2013