by butan November 20, 2004
by PoSeiDoN August 8, 2003
Butane is a gas that's in your lighter. It's useful for turning on older stoves, cigarettes, weed joints, starting a fire with firewood to stay warm if you go camping or if the power goes out, turning on candles, and butane can even be used in mini-stoves. Butane is not a bastard gas, pentane is a bastard gas. Butane might not be as fancy as propane, but Hank Hill used a butane lighter to turn on his cigarettes and accidentally took a puff off of a weed joint thinking it is a self rolled cigarette. He ended up freaking out and sleeping in the bushes, LOL! Don't drive high! In another episode, he caught his son smoking a cigarette with his friend, and made him smoke an entire carton of cigarettes and he joined in the end. Then Peggy joined. Then they quit.
Chemical formula
Molar mass
58.124 g/mol
Colorless gas
Gasoline-like or natural gas-like
2.48 kg/m3 (at 15 °C (59 °F))
Melting point
−140 to −134 °C; −220 to −209 °F; 133 to 139 K
Boiling point
−1 to 1 °C; 30 to 34 °F; 272 to 274 K
Solubility in water
61 mg/L (at 20 °C (68 °F))
Chemical formula
Molar mass
58.124 g/mol
Colorless gas
Gasoline-like or natural gas-like
2.48 kg/m3 (at 15 °C (59 °F))
Melting point
−140 to −134 °C; −220 to −209 °F; 133 to 139 K
Boiling point
−1 to 1 °C; 30 to 34 °F; 272 to 274 K
Solubility in water
61 mg/L (at 20 °C (68 °F))
Hank: You were smoking, Bobby?
Peggy: Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema!
Bobby: I thought those were the ingredients!
Peggy: Do you want to lose a Lung 'cause a boy will take it in a second?
*Hank and Bobby in the front yard! Hank dumping a whole carton of cigarettes!
Hank: Start puffing boy 'cause we got to get through 200 of these cigarettes!
Hank: *Hanks Bobby a butane lighter
Bobby: *puffs 30 cigarettes.
*Meanwhile in Dale Gribble's house
Dale: So Joseph, I heard you smoked your first cigarette.
Joseph: Sorry Dad, I promise to never smoke again.
Dale: Woah! I want you to make an informed decision! TM. If you want you can read a bloated government report on smoking. Or go straight to the horse's mouth and get the facts from the tobacco industry!
Doctor: Don't smoke, people. Vape! Then quit.
Peggy: Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema!
Bobby: I thought those were the ingredients!
Peggy: Do you want to lose a Lung 'cause a boy will take it in a second?
*Hank and Bobby in the front yard! Hank dumping a whole carton of cigarettes!
Hank: Start puffing boy 'cause we got to get through 200 of these cigarettes!
Hank: *Hanks Bobby a butane lighter
Bobby: *puffs 30 cigarettes.
*Meanwhile in Dale Gribble's house
Dale: So Joseph, I heard you smoked your first cigarette.
Joseph: Sorry Dad, I promise to never smoke again.
Dale: Woah! I want you to make an informed decision! TM. If you want you can read a bloated government report on smoking. Or go straight to the horse's mouth and get the facts from the tobacco industry!
Doctor: Don't smoke, people. Vape! Then quit.
by HawaiianPunch1 February 10, 2023
Something you throw into a camp fire or fire in general. Then run like hell before it blows your eardrums out...
by happykillmore August 7, 2006
by daddybigdick23 July 14, 2022
Butanal, or known as Butyraldehyde is the chemical compound of C4H8O. Butanal is also the formula for creating children (butt + anal = buttanal).
Chad: Hey, did you guys do the butanal lab during Chemistry today? I love making buttanal with my lab partner. I would love to do the buttanal with you some time!
Heather: Ummmm...... ok?
Heather: Ummmm...... ok?
by I ate my gnorities October 2, 2020