A town in Lancashire, NW England. Unfortunately has had some bad press recently, particularly about the large BNP presence/racial problems and social deprivation in the town.
The truth is that Burnley is OK as a place but has just suffered from economic recession over the last two decades and needs a large employer or perhaps a big happening culturally to help it out.
Sure, you get some absolute scumbags who will beat anything up that walks at night, but most of the people are good, honest, genuine Northerners. Oh, they are in the 21st century as well - all this bollocks about us "pointing at planes" (?) etc. is just a stereotype as inaccurate as saying "all turks are violent." I can't remember the last time I saw a whippet or flat cap in the town.
Can I add the number of BNP voters - scarcely over 4,000 at the last election - wouldn't even fill a stand at the ground of Burnley's rather good football club.
Sure, there are racists, but hardly any more than in other UK towns. Well, I hope so - that'll be put to the test over the next few years. But I'm keeping my chin up.
The truth is that Burnley is OK as a place but has just suffered from economic recession over the last two decades and needs a large employer or perhaps a big happening culturally to help it out.
Sure, you get some absolute scumbags who will beat anything up that walks at night, but most of the people are good, honest, genuine Northerners. Oh, they are in the 21st century as well - all this bollocks about us "pointing at planes" (?) etc. is just a stereotype as inaccurate as saying "all turks are violent." I can't remember the last time I saw a whippet or flat cap in the town.
Can I add the number of BNP voters - scarcely over 4,000 at the last election - wouldn't even fill a stand at the ground of Burnley's rather good football club.
Sure, there are racists, but hardly any more than in other UK towns. Well, I hope so - that'll be put to the test over the next few years. But I'm keeping my chin up.
"No-one likes us..
No-one likes us..
We don't care..
We are Burnley
Super Burnley
We are Burnley
From the North" (popular football chant)
No-one likes us..
We don't care..
We are Burnley
Super Burnley
We are Burnley
From the North" (popular football chant)
by SQUID May 10, 2005
A shite hole, with the very shite football club, burnley is very competetive with blackburn, but blackburn always seems to win at everything
by mik January 7, 2004
A shit hole in the middle of hills with plenty of sheep.
their only access to great life is the train through to blackburn, getting on this train would be most people from burnleys DREAM.This train also passes through Rishton Rishtons higher class and great society makes many jealous, especially those from burnley, who wonder why they have 6 toes and 3 fingers.
Without wittering on..
getting too the point.
blackburn are better than burnley.
always have been.
always will be.
blackburn rovers are the true team around here.
always will be.
their only access to great life is the train through to blackburn, getting on this train would be most people from burnleys DREAM.This train also passes through Rishton Rishtons higher class and great society makes many jealous, especially those from burnley, who wonder why they have 6 toes and 3 fingers.
Without wittering on..
getting too the point.
blackburn are better than burnley.
always have been.
always will be.
blackburn rovers are the true team around here.
always will be.
by Maisie=] June 11, 2007
a shite hole 7miles off blackburn, there nearest rivals. Burnley always try and compete with blackburn, especially in football, but never seem to succeed. Above it says that rovers cant maintain a decent position in the leagus even though our subs are the price of burnleys whole team:
1) burnleys team must obviously be shit
2) blackburn are still in the premiership so they cant be that bad
Burnley haven't caught up with the rest of the world yet, surviving on their local produce of cabbage.
And yes it is true, the league of gentlemen has been based on burnley (the inbred scum)
1) burnleys team must obviously be shit
2) blackburn are still in the premiership so they cant be that bad
Burnley haven't caught up with the rest of the world yet, surviving on their local produce of cabbage.
And yes it is true, the league of gentlemen has been based on burnley (the inbred scum)
by themicrophone June 3, 2005
Chav capital of the universe. An old milling town. In the top 10% worst towns in the whole of england. PLEASE LET ME LEAVE THIS PLACE
by Omegadragon November 23, 2006
Burnley- the true art of football and one of mainfounders, if it wern't for this team/town there would be no such thing as football. so thank you Burnley for bringing us this superb game.
Blackburn's subs are worth more than Burnleys full team and still they cant maintain a comfortable position in the premiership their fore are completely utter bollocks
by Ben April 20, 2005
A small town in Lancashire, England known for its poverty, hatred, acoholism, fair decent football team and some pretty decent girls, yeah some might be proper munters but hey beggers cant be choosers.
by jsrobbo October 17, 2010