by Johnny Five-O September 15, 2011
by D. Finer November 29, 2006
did you see the long lost princess diana sex tape? the prince shits right in her roast beef... brown taco.
by Lifter5 January 5, 2008
A female asshole resembles a taco turned 90 degrees and colored brown. The opposite of a Pink Taco only referring to a females asshole.
by SickAsHell September 27, 2005
Go to taco bell buy a volcano taco take all the toppings off except the meat. drop a Cleveland in it put in microwave for 10 min. rub penis in it til scolded and red. bang a fat chick in the ass cum in her buttwhole, then suck all the fluids out and spit it in the taco and enjoyy
by Redbluegreenpurple April 17, 2010