“Parents complain about the quality of the shows but don't prevent their children from gluing themselves to the boob tube” (David Owen)
by illEATurHARTout April 14, 2004
1) American slang (circa 1980) for the television, and serving as a bargaining tool by parents in disciplining their children, who referred to the time wasted watching it, and lowering their IQ too, hence "boob tube"
by jrh5356 April 19, 2005
The new opiate of the people. A electronic box containing a video screen and a speaker, watched by millions of cretins too lazy to go out and get a life. Boob tube watchers get a bad case of half-closed eyes and half-open mouths.
by Joao Bufamarillo May 14, 2005
I see you're watching the boob tube again. Don't you think 6 hours of t.v. watching is enough for one day?
by Bungalow Bill January 30, 2002
very skimpy piece of material covering a chicks tits, giving easy access to said tits to anyone so wishing
by Tap3k January 21, 2003
by Vincent Varlotto February 12, 2008