55 definitions by illEATurHARTout

Noobus Maximus

When someone is being the biggest n00b they could possibly be. Often used to insult inexperienced users when they fuck up big time while playing an online computer game.
DragonMan32: *shoots own teammate*
Renegade: omfg, Noobus Maximus! You want to shoot the RED people!
DragonMan32: soz!!1
by illEATurHARTout March 19, 2005
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glass to be recycled: broken or waste glass returned for recycling
Don't forget to take the cullet out to the curbside, and be sure to put it next to the trash, not in it.
by illEATurHARTout March 23, 2004
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linoleum polisher

Like carpet muncher, except with a girl that shaves.
Guy 1: I think she's a carpet muncher.
Guy 2: Well... I've heard (Girl 1) shaves, so technically is (Girl 2) a carpet muncher?
Guy 1: ...Well I guess that makes her a linoleum polisher!
by illEATurHARTout May 23, 2005
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iam sofa king we todd it

Person: Say 'iam sofa king we todd it' outloud.
Person 2: I am so fucking retarded.
Person 2: ...
Person 2: Asshole!
by illEATurHARTout June 6, 2005
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cum grano salis

'with a grain of salt'; with caution or incredulity.
Nathan exaggerates so often that I take everything he says cum grano salis.
by illEATurHARTout March 9, 2004
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When a preppy person trys to act like a hardcore person.

See poser.
Person 1: Look at Trevor, he's so prepcore.
Person 2: Huh? Prepcore?
Person 1: Yeah. He's wearing a Polo shirt and Dockers pants, yet he's listening to From Autumn To Ashes because he thinks it makes him hXc. What a poser.
by illEATurHARTout March 11, 2005
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There is no example sentence for this term.
by illEATurHARTout May 12, 2004
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