One of the Five fists in Xingyi quan. It represents the "wood" element. Beng fist is a straight foreward punch delivered from the center. The attack is usually delivered to the sternum,solar plexus, or "Ren Zhong" (inbetween the upper lip and bottom of nose". Its stradegy is to attack the center line. It also has beneficial health aspects in chinese medicine. The exercise/techniques is supposed to help cleanse the liver.
Noone under heaven can defeat my beng fist attack!

Beng quan is able to defeat Heng quan
by xingyiquan22 March 30, 2009
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a mix between the british slang word 'peng', meaning good looking and thai actor, benjamin brasier.
wagwan beng ting brasier, you're looking extra fine today🤪
by vic loves 2moons2 cast November 3, 2019
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being absolutely oliviaous and oblivious and tomious
beng :when someone acts or is olivious and tomious
being the most incredible popular person ever

you were so olivious today

and you buddy was soo tomious
by therealgiggle November 22, 2018
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Usually used to describe a cool and handsome person. Bengs are mostly loyal, trustworthy and dependable people that are found in Singapore.
by DaBeng February 4, 2018
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the act of lifting weights while watching netflix.
dude, i just benged so hard.

I benging so hard
by Amelia Handoff September 27, 2015
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