The first thing a cashier will guess if you're buying hot dogs and buns, when really you're just a fucking bachelor.
Cashier: Having a barbecue?
by Douglas Young October 11, 2007
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Barbecue(eng): outdoors gatheting,

typically during warmer season/meats prepared outdoors on open flames...

origins: 1. barbe(fr): beard ie. a men's barber cul(fr): ass


2. Barbados Cuba (Barba'dos Cu'ba)
Don't eat the other tribe's barbecue, you might have known him.
by RedTinRun May 17, 2017
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When two guys have sex with one girl. One guy is fucking her in her vagina while the other is fucking her in the mouth. During this, she is spun like a pig roast. For optimal pleasure, larger women are preferable.
like barbecuing a pig on a skewer. "Hey girl, do you like barbecues?!" " got a friend boy?"
by little piggy November 16, 2012
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Slang destroy by fire; burn; torch (slang sense) or an occasion for doing this
Hitler hosted many a book barbecue in Nazi Germany.
by Jon64Bailey July 29, 2011
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Joe: "I'm gonna go barbecue with Mike."
Fred: "Make sure to use protection."
by AnonSeven February 10, 2011
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One specific barbecue, which can for any reason be famous.
"Hey man, you goin to The Barbecue?"
"Which one?"
"The one where I slap my meat on yo grill!"
by Trebuchet65 October 27, 2009
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for a white girl, to date a black guy.
"She's smoking hot -- does she barbecue?"
by jane s. March 23, 2007
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