27 definitions by Douglas Young

An individual who is so bad and awkward at conversing that the only logical explanation is that their mind is focused on the fresh dead bodies they've got in their basement. They're thinking about:
- How many they've got
- If anyone knows
- If you know
- If you'd be a good addition to it
- About how much jail time they'd be sentenced to if they were ever caught
Greg: So you cut down trees? Ever have any accidents?
Basement Talker: Yes, many.
(Awkward pause)
Greg's Mind: (Shit, a basement talker. I'd better leave this conversation)
Greg: I have to, um, leave.
Basement Talker: Yes. Leave.
by Douglas Young February 8, 2008
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Noticeably relying heavily on style rather than effectiveness.
The Matrix sequels liked to overstylize while they tried to distract you from the shitty plot.
by Douglas Young January 7, 2008
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On one end of the spectrum you have Hole with Courtney Love, on the other end there's The Breeders with Kim Deal. Rock on, Kim.
Kim Deal is a hot rock-goddess. The Breeders & The Amps rock way more than that shitty band Hole.
by Douglas Young October 26, 2007
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A lame excuse for a cop to pull you over, and only dangerous if done improperly, a rolling stop is when you don't come to a complete stop at a stop sign. This includes slowing down to .0000002 mph to look both ways in an unoccupied industrial district. Basically if your wheel doesn't stop moving, you've done a "rolling stop" in the eyes of the law.
Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Victim: I was hoping you could tell me, and obviously I don't know why you pulled me over otherwise I wouldn'tve done it in front of you.
Cop: You did a rolling stop back there.
Victim: ...back there at my driveway on the cul-de-sac?
Cop: I don't speak French.
by Douglas Young January 4, 2008
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A business in Portland/Stumptown, Oregon that goes around the city apprehending drunks. The drunks are then driven back to Chiers HQ (Aka: Hoopers/Hoppers), temporarily relieved of their possessions, thrown into cells, and kept there until they sober up-- at which point they're given their things back and a free bowl of soup. They will not devote any information to anyone (ever) outside their building, so if you get picked up for being too drunk and wake up the next morning, be sure to call your loved ones when you leave 'cause they're probably worried sick.
Chiers has an 8 o'clock line-up of homeless people waiting for the free soup handed out in the morning.
by Douglas Young September 23, 2007
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1. A firewall that keeps stupid & impatient people from watching foreign films.
2. What you read during a film when the language is foreign.
Doug: Hey Tom, wanna watch District B13? It's badass.
Tom: Sure... wait... subtitles? Fuck that.
Doug: Goddamn you're such a fag, Tom.

Scott: I need to stop watching British/Irish movies in the theater, they never have subtitles despite how the thick accents practically butcher your typical American English.
by Douglas Young September 25, 2007
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Someone who always has to be prodded to hang out, and never initiates the act of inviting others to hang out with them.
Guy 1: Hey, can I ask you something?
Guy 2: Sure.
Guy 1: Why are you such a proddy?
Guy 2: A what?
Guy 1: Why do I have to ask you to hang out all the time, why don't you ask me ever?
Guy 2: Gee... I dunno, I never thought about it.
Guy 1: Do you LIKE hanging out with me?
Guy 2: Yeah! Of course!
by Douglas Young September 10, 2007
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