normal people from asia. with the covid 19 going around more and more asians have been receiving insults and even death threats. i dont care if you unlike this definition. it's just the truth. not a lot of ppl know this but the joke white (or any other race) people make about asians do actually hurt feelings. so if you dislike asian people, find a valid reason why you should dislike them. and if you're thinking about us asian people eating bats, shut the fuck up. we are so fucking tired of hearing these insults. would you be happy if we insulted you guys and said that clapping after the airplane lands is stupid as fuck.
white person: ew i hate asians so much. like just shut up you ching chong small eyed freaks
asian: shut up or else we'll use our big brains to beat the fuck out of you
white: oh sorry i was wrong
by yuhhhgetittoitttt April 25, 2020
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Smartest people in the world. Really good at committing large crimes and not getting caught.
I have never seen an Asian in jail.
by tpb614 December 4, 2015
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Bob- how does that guy do that so well?
John-he's Asian
Bob-oh yeah
by PaPrIfSFfg January 7, 2019
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The ultimate race of humans. Blessed with great intelligence and skin color that is in between white and black, these people are hardworking and numerous, they may not be blessed in the area of sex but pleasure has no meaning in a world of logic.
The story of how God created man. He made three clay dolls but the first one he made he left in the sun to dry for too long, leaving it black and hard, black people. Next one he left in the sun to dry for too little, coming out as white and doughy, white people. The last one he left in the sun just right, with the perfect tan and hardness, the ultimate race, asians.
by ASIANBOII44 April 15, 2018
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A race of people originally hailing from Asia. Many stereotypes are associated with Asian-Americans, mainly dealing with high intelligence, educational prowess, pushy parents, small dicks, hot women, and World of Warcraft. As a non-Asian whose friends are 90% Asians, I can verify that most of these stereotypes are, in fact, true.
White Guy: Did you hear that William got 105 on that algebra test?
Other White Guy: Well, duh, he's Asian.

White Guy: Dude, Angela is so hot!
Other White Guy: Well, duh, she's Asian.

Asian Guy: We pwn at WOW.
Other Asian Guy: Well, duh, we're Asian.
by Stupid Corn October 17, 2007
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anyone born in a country in Asia
Jack: My grandma is from China, so she is Asian.
by baby 3 April 14, 2016
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People originating from the continent of Asia. May be of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Indian descent plus the many other islands located near the Pacific. A lot of stereotypes surround East Asians such as:

1. Above normal intelligence
2. Strict parents
3. Bad driving skills
4. Small penises
5. Obsession with multiplayer computer games
6. Being sluts
7. etc.

Well guess what for one thing if they're so smart that's because they work hard, I can say that the white woman who crashed into the tree yesterday is a bad driver, their dicks are so not small and what about those pallid white guys who stay in their mother's basement playing guitar hero all day >.> ?
-He's such a smartass and all he does is sleep in class all day.

-Well duh he's asian.
by Fil_Chin February 10, 2008
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