Getting restricted or banned on Facebook for violating community standards
"That picture of that girls titties got me zucked" or "I got zucked for 3 days for saying penis"
by Drewbertnj January 26, 2020
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n. When Facebook makes an unwarranted change to their policies or layout that everyone hates.
A: What the hell is this new picture viewer all about?
B: Yeah, we just got zucked again.
by BillonBass February 13, 2011
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To fuck over a start-up cofounder by making their stock worthless in-order to push them out the door.
Don't zuck your cofounder man or Don't zuck me please.
by Call911 October 16, 2014
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Pun on the word fucked. When you post something in disagreement with Zuckerburg’s views and you get suspended for it.
I got Zucked for posting facts about hydroxychloroquine.
by Maga Irene December 8, 2020
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1. To be financially fornicated by your business partner.
Damn Joe, Stan really zucked you.
by DeifiedRS January 29, 2011
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(noun): When any slight inconvenience happens. When you think things are fine, but someone else deems them, NOT fine. Used mostly in reference to someone being offended about a post, picture, meme, phrase, etc. and removing you, or the post from the group and or website it was posted on.
"I posted this funny meme on Facebook, but it got zucked", "The Lord givith, and the Lord Zuckith away.." "Well, zuck"
by ABViking December 17, 2020
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v. term referring to facebook's discriminatory policy of deactivating the accounts of users with 'fake names,' that usually targets trans people using pseudonyms / preferred names for the sake of safety.
did you hear Shea Misandry got zucked? they're back under their real name and vulnerable to stalkers again.
by puddi puddi October 23, 2014
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