Visioned is basically your teacher watching your activities on a PC with a program called Vision. It basically allows teachers to see what students are doing on their computers without them knowing. They will eventually take control over your PC making you embarrassed and soon enough peers will know about it and ridicule you for it.

Also, Visioned is used when a teacher "demos" all the computers in the room/network so you can see a random picture or the teachers desktop. You cannot control your computer beyond this point and you're forced to look at the teachers desktop activities.
Teacher: Please, don't play games on these computers.

*Teacher walks away*

Student: I'm going to play Solitaire!

*Teacher watches him through Vision*

Student: Oh no, you took over my computer. Visioned!

Other students: Haha, you got visioned!
by infemeth March 3, 2007
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A $10,000 buzzword used to make useless pamphlets seem extremely sophisticated and important.

A combination of the words envisioning and engeneering.
Hood College: visioneering our future.
by Agent Orange November 10, 2004
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1. The ability to detect and understand light.
2. A product of imagination esp. relating to the future.
3. An object or person the sight of which produces pleasure.
The sudden sunlight temporarily stole my vision.

Yoda had a vision than Anakin would bring balance to the Force.

Elena was such a vision she took my breath away every time I looked upon her.
by vicariance August 29, 2011
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a powerful and fat red grape with a rock in his head
by midget power August 5, 2019
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Vision isn't just seeing what is, but what can be.
by well-hello-there January 8, 2020
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Doing something out of the box or equivalent. Usually found in the resumes of recent college graduates to create work experience.
During my internship, I helped visionize the direction of our project, and I had a big impact on its success.
by April 21, 2016
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