
Ukes are Ukueles... people who think otherwise are wrong
Me: *plays ukulele*
Random guy: wow, you shredded that Uke!
by DatMagicalUkulele February 24, 2015
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Slang for ukelele, a small, four stringed instrument.
"Yo Jerry, play some Tiny Bubbles on your uke."
by R.P.M. November 6, 2005
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Short for Ukelania. A stringed instrument that can recreate the sound of a electric guitar without an amp.
Man that Metallica track would of sounded so much better on a uke .
by TinyRainDrop October 26, 2015
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Shit country where the police arrest you for offending someone with petty words over the internet but everyone else can offend YOU from other countries.

Rowan Atkinson's freedom of speech video is amazing. It sheds a lot of light on how pathetic the UK really is.
You ever been to the UK? Don't bother, it's full of druggies, morons, sea full of pollution, kids that are allowed to vandalize everything, dangerous no-go gang infested areas, and lazy police and dictator leaders who want no free speech. They rather have their jollies with easy arrests Orwellian style, rather than turn up to the scene of a burglary.

The country is slowly being destroyed from the inside out by lazy tyrants in power, with ever increasing authoritarian laws, and by an invasion of foreigners.
by Fight 4 Freedom August 24, 2023
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A suffix used by large multinational companies to appear a local brand when infact you are secretly redirected to some form of their US centered web site.
lets put a few pages with .uk on the web site otherwise they might rumble that we dont give shit about anything outside the US
by binsurfer December 11, 2003
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A place where crack is smoked under a bridge and the police are famously shit.
"You get'n th wa'er from th UK?"
by EtaOfTheWay April 20, 2021
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UK is short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is a country consisting of different parts that used to be seperate countries. Some people count these as still being different countries because some laws are different (and also a few people just think 'they have different names so they're different countries') The UK has one currency, one government, and one 'normal' language (the majority of people don't speak Welsh, Scots, Gaelic, or anything, and those who do all speak English as well). The UK is a part of the continent Europe. Some people talk about 'Europe' as if the UK isn't part of it. What they actually mean is mainland Europe.

(In alphabetical order because we shouldn't assume any parts are more important than others)
In the British Isles:
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
some other little islands

Great Britain (shortened to Britain):
maybe some of the little islands?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK):
Northern Ireland
probably some of the little islands
UK, United Kingdom, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are all interchangable. Britain and Great Britain are interchangable. The Republic of Ireland and ROI are interchangable. Ireland is as well but can also be used to mean the piece of land containing Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Apart from these, all the other words mean different things. UK, Britain, and England do NOT mean the same thing.

There should not be a stereotype for British or English people or people from the UK (come to think of it, there shouldn't be any stereotypes at all anywhere).

*People from the UK are not all posh.
*Like in any country, there are lots of different accents. So if you hear weird accents on TV, don't assume that's how everone sounds.
*Not everyone likes tea.
*Not everyone likes the Royal family.
*Some people like Americans, some hate them, and some really don't care.
*Most young people find the idea of eating oatmeal soaked in blood (black pudding) completely disgusting.
*There are some Scottish people out there who think eating yucky bits of sheep (haggis) is disgusting.
*Not everyone likes football. Football is the same as soccer is in America, and rugby is either the same as or just a similar idea to American Football (because originally there was AsSOCCiation FOOTBALL, and RUGBY FOOTBALL. We just chose to shorten them in different ways.)

I'm not going to list everything, because I can't be bothered, and anyway you get the picture.
by Goldfish United March 3, 2010
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