Sussex dialect: a narrow passage between buildings. (cf. North of England: ginnel)
Most people walked half way around the block but the locals knew a short-cut through the twitten.
by Urban-Joe November 28, 2011
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Sussex (Southern English) speak for an alley.
Jack, let's walk up to the downs; we can take a shortcut through the twitten.
by Breld January 9, 2012
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Is when you have a Twitter Account and Just updated it.

When you are enjoying being on

What many people use today, to express how unbelievable there Twitter account is.
Troy: Hey, Have you been on Twitter lately?

Alfred: YEAH bOI!!!!, I was just Twitten.

Troy: Awesome.
by ~Truth~ June 16, 2009
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Being smitten by someone you know only through following them on Twitter.
I started following Felicia Day last week. She's adorable. I think I'm twitten.
by jpj625 July 29, 2008
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southern english dialect term for a confined pathway, often used for sexual activities and illegal substance consumption. Or as a hang out for chavs. It can also be used as a shortcut through parralel built council estates, if you've got the balls. (it's an alleyway pretty much)
Toby: Cor thom, do you wanna go down the alley for some summin summin?

Thom: No i'm going down the twitten to fuck some german hookers and smoke some crack
by Thoby March 8, 2006
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A cute kitten raised in the public eye by publishing daily pics on twitter. Awww
My #twitten is called daisy, but you'll already know (and everything else about her) as you've watched her grow up via the worlds favourite micro blogging site
by Specialpoppet September 17, 2010
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The act of a female rapidly fingering her vagina. Also used to make fun of a male friend whose acting like a fagget.
Michelle was twitten her twat the entire time we were watching The Notebook. Man Camron stop being such a fagget. You need to stop twitten your twat dickhead.
by MrT1021 August 26, 2009
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