Siblings of different ages who end up in the same grade.
His sister is two years older than he is but they are both in the ninth grade, they aren't twins but they are Texas twins.
by tyrannicalpie October 18, 2014
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Two children, with the same parents, born on the same day of different years.
Tobias : Who’s birthday is first? Yours or your brother’s?
Ezekiel : My brother and I are Amish twins. We were both born on April 17th.
by Pappy J.P. October 26, 2020
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When identical twins pose as each other for mutual benefit.
I called a twin favor for finals. I studied only History and English and took those tests twice while my sister took Math and Science twice.
by Sitbear May 11, 2021
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A videogame-inspired adjective, describing a place between two opposing paths, of which you will encounter death in either one. The term is best used when a player or person is stuck directly center of a pathway with only two entry points, and will encounter enemies from both directions, leading to their demise.

This term is actually useful to other teammates or friends, as it describes the situation, and their help can be the only way out.
"oh shit! Guys I'm stuck in a Necro-twin! If I go left, that sniper will kill me! If I go right, there's a guy waiting for me to pop out and I'll get shot up!!"

Friend: "I'll get the sniper, run when I say it's clear!"
by J-Thatch June 1, 2018
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To be utterly devastated twice in quick succession, leaving nothing but ruin. Much like the shambles of democracy left as a result of the event giving rise to this term.
"Oh man, did you see Ray? He just tried to get with those two hotties over there and got totally twin powdered."

"To top off my weekend, after getting my application to college rejected, my Mom found my porn files"
"Brraaaaaaaaoooooooooooowwwwwnnnnnmmm BOOOOOM"
"What the hell was that?"
"The sound of you getting twin powdered, haha!"
by Blowy the support beams April 4, 2008
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Two non-twin siblings born of the same year, to different mothers.
“ How many kids you got?”
“A 20 year old, 17 year old and two 12 year olds
“You and your girl must’ve been at it to have kids back to

Naw, lol, different moms, they Englewood Twins”
by TanksFirstBorn March 18, 2023
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