20 definitions by Sitbear

Sounds like this guy's become pogpilled overnight...

In the degenerate mess that is social media, some users will nevertheless stumble upon the pogpill.
by Sitbear March 7, 2021
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When identical twins pose as each other for mutual benefit.
I called a twin favor for finals. I studied only History and English and took those tests twice while my sister took Math and Science twice.
by Sitbear May 11, 2021
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A (generally Asian) student who overachieves, winning awards, and is ostensibly better than you in every way, especially when used in a direct comparison.
Parent: "Why you no work harder! Ling Ling de mother told me when we play Mahjong, he practice violin 40 hour every day! How you my son, always lose second to Ling Ling?"
by Sitbear August 5, 2018
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A type of boredom characterized by so much yawning tears come out of your eyes
The teacher’s analysis of the blue curtains had me bored to tears
by Sitbear September 4, 2018
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A condition characterized by waving back to a person greeting someone behind you.
I suffer from a bad case of Peter Parker Syndrome. Now every time someone waves at me, I look over my shoulder instead of waving back!
by Sitbear March 19, 2022
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Circular Definition
Circular Definition
by Sitbear April 28, 2021
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A terrorist organization sponsored by American tax dollars.
Communism works well in theory, but in practice it gets upended by a CIA-sponsored coup.
by Sitbear April 9, 2021
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