1. a piece of excrement.
2. a mean, contemptible person.
3. a male heterosexual
That turd was definitely going to be paying off some whore in order to get some pussy tonight!
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A turd so big that your cheeks turn red and your ass implodes and you start bleeding out of your ass.
Bob just ate three Big Macs at Mcdonalds and went home and took a turd so hard, his ass exploded and he died.
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The act of being really messed up, most likely on cannabis, so much so that you run into walls and try to eat things that aren't edible.

During this time, if a member of the opposite sex approaches you, you commonly act like a total idiot and definitely don't get laid that night.
"Dude I am totally fucking turded!"
by MrDoug October 13, 2006
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everyone about he big rolling turd and go watch RV!!!!
by angela ahhaha July 23, 2007
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1. a piece of excrement.
2. a mean, contemptible person.
3. a male heterosexual
1. There is a turd floating around in the toilet because someone forgot to flush.
2. Henry's boyfriend is acting like a turd right now.
3. That turd is definitely slobbering all over that girl!
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