6 definitions by A smart and wise woman standing up for good guys everywhere!

1. A homosexual who seeks out or particularly enjoys the company of male heterosexuals.
2. A homosexual who is a very close and personal friend of male heterosexuals in a strictly platonic friendship.
Your friend is a total turd nerd! He only hangs around straight dudes all the time.
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1. a piece of excrement.
2. a mean, contemptible person.
3. a male heterosexual
That turd was definitely going to be paying off some whore in order to get some pussy tonight!
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1. a piece of excrement.
2. a mean, contemptible person.
3. a male heterosexual
1. There is a turd floating around in the toilet because someone forgot to flush.
2. Henry's boyfriend is acting like a turd right now.
3. That turd is definitely slobbering all over that girl!
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a male homosexual, especially a stereotypically, aggressively, and exaggeratedly masculine gay man.
An isophyl is the epitome of the good guy that is further beaten down relentlessly in more ways than one. He is the underdog that never really seems to get a break in the media and society and is often stripped of all of his humanity and dignity.
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