bro, you're such a transphobe, a penis or vagina does not determine if one is a male or a female. sex and gender are two different things (actually true btw go cry about it)
by EL SEXO GRATIS October 24, 2023
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Transgender does use Transphobic as a slur to put down biological women and biological men who do not subscribe to woke ideology.

The word 'transphobic' is thrown around too loosely nowadays.

People who generally have no problem with trans people and can co-exist with them in society get told they're transphobic because they do not agree with every transgender issue.

Calling someone a 'transphobe' is quite a strong word; it means they have hate/fear/aversion towards transgender people. But in reality, most people getting called transphobic these days have no such problems and can get along with transgender people.
If someone doesn't want to be called cisgender - you are Transphobic
If someone is against transgender women being in women's sports -you are Transphobic
If anyone calls Jeffery March out on his grooming behaviour - you are Transphobic
If you don't want to be called a chestfeeding - you are Transphobic
If you don't want to be called a birthing person - you are Transphobic
if you don't want to be called pregnant partner - you are Transphobic
if you want to be called a mother- you are Transphobic
by Princess Elina April 20, 2023
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"Trans people aren't real people and that's a fact. I'm a reasonable person."
"No Brad, you're just transphobic."
by YourFellowSburbian April 3, 2018
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A person that feels uncomfortable and lacks a rational understanding or revulsion of people with transgender people, especially those with a real diagnosis of gender dysphoria (distress caused by the discrepancy between a person's physical gender and their gender identity).
There are as many different transphobic types of people as there are transgender people. Some transphobic individuals have a real fear and negative emotional reaction to transgender people, whereas others have a more outward hatred and rage towards transgender people. Many people who are considered transphobic have had little contact with transgender people and so may act stupidly, make light of the encounter by joking or teasing, or lack political correctness, or make insensitive comments but are not clinically transphobic. Some transphobic people claim it is immoral, social perversion, a ruse for voyeuristic people, or claim it is against their religion to rationalize their transphobic behavior. Many transphobic people can quickly learn more about gender dysphoria and to accept it without responding negatively.
by mlhiss December 21, 2019
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A fucking twat who thinks that transgender people are not human
Max: hey did you hear about Tyler?
Oliver: what the transphobic one
by SamusIsMyRealName February 19, 2018
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I sexual perversion characterised by a fixation on other people's genitals and a belief that people are defined solely by their penis or vagina, commonly found in feeble-minded imbeciles who demand simplicity in a complicated world.
I'm not transphobic, but I just can't stop thinking about her cock.
by Growthefuckup March 7, 2018
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Someone who disagrees with transgender people or their ideology.
Person1: I don’t think people can identify with whatever they feel like
Person 2: That’s transphobic
by Kivster October 30, 2019
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