by domokato April 23, 2009
The crutch of a idiot who uses it to append declarative sentences in order to sound more authoritative.
To be honest, I really have no idea what I'm talking about and use cliches where smarter people use original thought.
by Tom Hefner February 24, 2011
A word you use to accentuate that you really are not being that serious (sic!), but rather making a light-hearted comment in a meme stylee (sic!). Memeheads are spouting it out like there is no tomorrow – and there well might not be one, thanks to Corona.
Among the "great eight" of filler words whose meaning the people using them don't even understand, but solely spam them to every YouTube video they can get their hands into, because "that is what you are supposed to do!" The other words are: literally, appreciate, underrated, legit short for legitimate, ignore, actually, though short for although.
Also closely related to the mythical "YouTube algorithm".
Among the "great eight" of filler words whose meaning the people using them don't even understand, but solely spam them to every YouTube video they can get their hands into, because "that is what you are supposed to do!" The other words are: literally, appreciate, underrated, legit short for legitimate, ignore, actually, though short for although.
Also closely related to the mythical "YouTube algorithm".
Melvin on YouTube comments section of any given video: "Lets be honest: u didnt' searched for this *ambiguous smiley* U could of but, u did'nt though..."
by Burt Milhorse Eriksson April 11, 2021
A divine attribute we often wrongly assign to one we admire, but sadly, like telepathy, honesty is a characteristic not inherent in humanity. To be truly and completely honest with someone, one must first be truly and completely honest with one’s self. Since our species is incapable of seeing past its own fears, desires, prejudices, convictions, emotional attachments, memories and flawed perceptions, man is not capable of viewing an unfiltered reality. Every single conclusion a person comes to is first carefully screened and reviewed through a series of subconscious unrelated facets of collective reasoning and thus all humanity is blind to all truth. Thus, no one is truly and completely honest with themselves and thus cannot be truly and completely honest with others. The most anyone can hope to give is their honest opinion. But that’s all it is, an opinion.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
Girl: Come on! Be honest am I fat?
Guy: Fine, honestly your fat.
Girl: Wtf is wrong with you faggot? I fucking hate you.
Guy: Fine, honestly your fat.
Girl: Wtf is wrong with you faggot? I fucking hate you.
by Jersey Kid February 2, 2008
an incredibly over-used refuge for the inarticulate to máke a point of statement.Can be used in any sentence as long as you agree with yourself.
by moose head May 7, 2005
Absolutely pointless statement, that adds nothing to any conversation it is included in. Used by dumbasses to sound "smarter" or "prove a point".
Also see: to be frank, frankly, honestly
Also see: to be frank, frankly, honestly
To be honest, I'm full of bullshit.
by hi, my name is Name August 30, 2007