The sexiest beast ever trumps mat and Aaron the most perfect person that could penetrate the womb with just the tip and eve. The gods could not fit this penis in their planner sized asses the galaxy wide and 2 galaxy’s long veins popping out and come that tastes like cake you could get hooked on it with one sip and often level by super straight people
by Sheryl Biden March 6, 2022
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Im a john, were quite boring, we chill an play games with the boys. Yep thass about it.
Wow, why is John writing this at two in the morning
by one of the other johns January 10, 2022
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The total dumb ass that eats your bagel
Richard: What the frickle frackal why are you eating my bagel?!
John: YEET
by John_will_eat_your_bagel May 18, 2020
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John, John is a sexy man whore, who enjoys late evenings in tubs of cum surrounded by lavender scented candles. A fine example of his sexiness is in his round beautifully curved gorilla buttcheeks. He is known to be very Gay or a big bitch in general. Though his cocky and stubborn personality cancels that together.
1; Oh look, it's john! 2; really? that sexy sum bitch is here? 1; Yeah man, just look at the size of his balls and the ever so fragrant smell of beef, burgers, subway, and tacos emitting from his pours. 2; Snnnnnnnifffffff* Ahhhhh, yeah definitely got some huge balls.
by God has a huge cock February 3, 2022
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