Common phrase meant to indicate that something is an acceptable solution, sometimes as a means of describing someone's surprise at the success of an action after witnessing it's completion.
by KarmaLog August 3, 2018
It's like the first slice on a loaf of bread....nobody wants it. If you receive the work, you will definitely be fucked up after because you aint experienced anything like it before.
by TurnM3Up November 12, 2019
A term to describe the tedious and boring indentured servitude that most people are forced to endure to get money. Generally, not a pleasant experience.
by KonaKenny July 10, 2008
doing something you hate in a place you hate with people you grow to hate for the majority of your day for the majority of your life.
by GreyAndBoring June 8, 2011
by The Gonzo Lecture March 3, 2010
"Work it" usually means, "strut your stuff," show off your assets, make some physical attribute (figure, walk, style of dress, etc.) to "work" for you to make you attractive.
While not proven or confirmed, the expression may have originated among "working girls," i.e. prostitutes/street walkers, who would make a sultry walk etc. "work" for them to attract business. If it did have that connotation, it has been lost with time, and now usually is applied more innocently.
While not proven or confirmed, the expression may have originated among "working girls," i.e. prostitutes/street walkers, who would make a sultry walk etc. "work" for them to attract business. If it did have that connotation, it has been lost with time, and now usually is applied more innocently.
by david305 August 12, 2014
Dave discussing his options to Mike;
Dave ' I need a change, work is really getting to me'
Mike ' Imagine a life with no bills, no debt, no commute to work, no stress'
Dave ' Prison sounds like a better option'
Dave ' I need a change, work is really getting to me'
Mike ' Imagine a life with no bills, no debt, no commute to work, no stress'
Dave ' Prison sounds like a better option'
by MJwrites July 28, 2017