Teacher-"Andrew stop playing games on the computers!"
Andrew-"But i wasn't"
Teacher-"Yes you were"
Background people- "SWOLE"
Andrew-"But i wasn't"
Teacher-"Yes you were"
Background people- "SWOLE"
by Brookke May 1, 2009
Craig: yo Ray Ray have you seen Trey lately?
Ray: yeah he's been hittin the weights hasn't he?
Craig: yeah he's swole dawg
Ray: yeah he's been hittin the weights hasn't he?
Craig: yeah he's swole dawg
by Low Clef April 15, 2004
by Knitty July 8, 2023
by IceWarm November 5, 2004
by mmmgoood August 19, 2021
Look at that dude's swoleness!!!
by fanofmessi January 5, 2010