
the state of being swole, ripped, buff
Look at that dude's swoleness!!!
by fanofmessi January 5, 2010
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A paragon of hypermasculinity, manifesting in the physical and attitudinal embodiment of strength, occupying space with intimidating quantity and developing rippling musculature through rigorous, disciplined exercise.
Micael Heck, the third best comic artist in Seattle, is known by all who encounter him, as the very definition of swole.
by GraphicLexicographer August 5, 2015
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Craig: yo Ray Ray have you seen Trey lately?
Ray: yeah he's been hittin the weights hasn't he?
Craig: yeah he's swole dawg
by Low Clef April 15, 2004
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Flex, Finesse, Show-off, Sabotage, Gain advantage, Win fairly or unfairly.
by Knitty July 8, 2023
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Having extreme amounts of muscle on ones body... Becoming a Gym Freak will make you swole...
You see that girl sawyer over there , she is more swole than her boyfriend Graydon... how embarrassing... man should hit the curls!
by TheGoatMizzle May 22, 2017
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The state of being very muscular and/or buff and in good shape.
by IceWarm November 5, 2004
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Switch OLED Model but said by cool people.
I wanted to spend money on a Switch Pro, but I had to settle for a SWOLED instead.
by mmmgoood August 19, 2021
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