93 definitions by IceWarm

Abbreviation for down low Meaning to keep quite on something.
by IceWarm October 2, 2004
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A problem of some kind. Refers to the neck of a bottle because it is narrower than the rest of the bottle and less liquid can flow through it at one time. The flow can also be of data when talking about computers or procedure or productivity when used in a business meaning. The term can be used to describe various problems such computer problems and business problems to name a couple.
"That video card is a piece of crap, it is nothing but bottle neck after bottle neck with it." Refers to a computer problem.

"This computer can only handle 512 megs of RAM, that is a huge bottle neck." Refers to a computer problem.

"The old phone transfer system was causing major bottle necks in our productivity, I'm glad the replaced it." Refers to a business problem.

"The fact that this copier can only hold 100 sheets at a time is a major bottle neck." Refers to a business problem.
by IceWarm January 25, 2006
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The contents of a container or something being transported. Can refer to the cargo of a truck or other transport vehicle as well as the semen located in the male testicles.
"The payload in that truck weighs several thousand pounds."

"I busted a fat payload of cum on that bitch's face!"
by IceWarm November 21, 2004
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An ugly ass son/daughter of a bitch. Basically they look like fecal matter(shit) which is where the word comes from.
"Get the fuck out of here you shitface mother fucker!"

"You ain't nothing but a shitface bitch!"
by IceWarm November 20, 2004
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What posters on a message boards will sometimes say in response to a thread/topic that will eventually be locked/closed. This is a way to show that the thread is incredibly dumb or goes against the rules of the message board. Used to sometimes get in a free post to raise one's post count before the topic gets locked, preventing any further posting in it.
Person 1 Posts: Topic-This Forum Sucks!

Person 2: In Before Lock!

Person 3(Moderator/Admin): This topic is locked for bashing the message board and being dumb.
by IceWarm March 9, 2006
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Short for the unit of measurement, kilogram(s). Often used in the dealing of drugs to state the amount. Usually used in the dealing of cocaine or other drugs that come in a powdered form.

The plural form is kilos.
"I just bought a kilo of cocaine." (Singular)

"My dealer has 10 kilos waiting for us!" (Plural)
by IceWarm June 21, 2004
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When teens for one reason or another think they have it hard. They often bitch and whine about stupid piddley ass shit and say they will kill themselves over the same piddley ass bullshit.
"I had to take out the garbage tonight...I'm going to kill myself."

"Mommy made me wash the dishes so I'm going to kill myself."

"I had to do homework tonight...I have it so hard."
by IceWarm July 24, 2004
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