A gay furry.
The Super Straight flag, 🟧⬛️, comes from the colours of Grindr and Furaffinity.net, The black symbolises authoritative dominance, and the orange symbolises submissive excitment.
John: "Yo, are you sure you're Super Straight? I saw you retweeting gay furry porn on Twitter.
Kevin: "Didn't you know? Super Straight is just another way of saying you want a werewolf daddy to violently pound you into the bed while you scream for mercy at the top of your lungs, but mercy is never received, and you wake up the next day with a stomach-ache so bad that you have to be hospitalised for a week."
by BigTransDaddy May 10, 2023
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A fake sexuality that most likely originated on Tik Tok, but there is also evidence it started on 4chan as a plot to create a divide in the LGBT community. The sexuality means the person is only attracted to people who are not transgender. For example a man that identifies as super straight may not like trans girls. The "SuperStraight pride flag" is black on the left and orange on the right.

The reason why trans people are so upset about this is because the sexuality implies trans women aren't real women, and same for trans men. A common misconception is that all trans people think you're transphobic if you won't have intercourse with a trans person. In reality, most transgender people don't mind if you only like girls with pussy or something, it's called a genital preference. They just get upset when you call it a sexuality. It's okay to have preferences, and it's okay to not date a trans person who likes you.

A bigger reason why the LGBT community hates the superstraight "movement" so much is because they mock the LGBT community. They do things like call people bigots for not accepting their sexual identity, act discriminated and other things that LGBT people are notorious for but worse. But being straight is perfectly legal and tolerated by everyone, being gay or trans will get you the death penalty in some countries. That's why we don't need straight people in the LGBT community. It was made for genuinely oppressed minorities.
Guy 1: You're straight, right?
Guy 2: I'm super straight.
Guy 1: That means you wouldn't fuck a girl with a dick?
Guy 2: Yeah.
Guy 1: What about a trans girl who got a sex change?
Guy 2: No, I only like real girls.
Guy 1: Even a trans girl that looks and behaves exactly like a normal girl?
Guy 2: I'll only fuck someone if they were born with a pussy.
Average trans person overhearing this: *pain*
by Zergur Vorghiz March 18, 2021
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Men that enjoy jerking off to bee porn, preferably male bees.
“Hey, are you super straight too? Let’s watch bee porn together!”
by March 23, 2021
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A person who is super straight is someone who will not date trans members of the opposite sex. This term rose to popularity on tiktok.
Person A: Hey bro would you date a trans woman?
Person B: No
Person A : Why? she's still a woman. You're being really transphobic..

Person B : I'm not transphobic I'm just super straight.
by Idk what's going on March 5, 2021
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the sexuality of someone who has wet dreams about their cousin
"i'm super straight"

"oh... good for you ig"
by chad 🥶😈 March 7, 2021
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A group of people who made a sexualty to take the piss out off the lgbt community
by A smart fucka March 6, 2021
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someone who only fucks people with a tail, and cat ears and who walks on all fours and howls at the moon
person A: oh so your super straight? so you like dog cock in ur throat?

person B: oh yeah and I make tiktoks about it too
by pure hate March 11, 2021
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