Suckerberg is Clickbait, i.e. web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue for Mark Zuckerberg, especially at the expense of quality or accuracy, relying on sensationalist headlines to attract click-throughs from stupid Facebook newbs.
by furbandick December 27, 2014
by Aari February 27, 2011
by StinkyPeanut April 28, 2019
The hijacking and use of your brilliant idea by another person, most often for social or financial gain.
I can't believe Stacy stole my idea to open a wedding chapel for dogs. Now she is raking in the dough!
Oh girl, you were seriously Suckerberged!
Oh girl, you were seriously Suckerberged!
by The Blue Martini February 3, 2011
Clarence fit their profile, answering every bit of bait - the name of his first pet, where he'd met his partner, his favorite color. It was so much fun! Oreos! My first car? A Honda Civic! He was a permanent resident of Suckerberg, the perfect Suckerberg Mark. 'Wait wait, they're asking the last four digits of my SSN in reverse order! Only one in ten can do it! I'm a genius.'
by Monkey's Dad October 5, 2021
When you share memes that you don't realize are actually covert advertisements from corporations or political parties
by AmyLee489 March 28, 2018
when someone sprays you with semen while wearing a Mark Zuckerberg mask, and screaming out cock sucker.
Hunter: I totally got cock suckerberg'd last night by Andrew
Andrew: yoo I didn't do that, Jarrell did
Jarrell: I just used my orbital cannon in my pants
Andrew: yoo I didn't do that, Jarrell did
Jarrell: I just used my orbital cannon in my pants
by dirty cumsock January 26, 2023