Derived from the words "starve" and "rated"... this word is a high rating of starvation. It sits above STARVE and just below STARVING TO DEATH on the Hunger Meter.
"yo, you hungry?"
"no, i was hungry 3 hours ago... now i'm starverated!"
by J DaDa April 4, 2005
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Noun: the act of taking a giant shit resulting in a state of extreme hunger due to the evacuation of so much material from the digestive tract.
Dude 1: That shit I took was so huge, I feel like I could eat the ass out of a dead rhinocerous.

Dude 2: Man, you just took a starver.
by Joe in Colorado October 18, 2007
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Derived from the words "starve" and "rated", this word is a rating of how hungry you are. It is situated above STARVE and just below RAVENOUS on the "how hungry are you" scale.
"yo mang... that congee didn't help... i'm stll STARVERATED!"
by J DaDa April 4, 2005
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a person ,generally male who has the lowest regard for all around him even in the worst of times and among friends or colleagues
I cant believe he wouldnt shake hands, even at a funeral "fukn dog starver"
by john sheen April 30, 2006
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A dog with no definite breed. Also known as cane dogs or pottongs
Yo de rasshole pot starver chase me fuh my chefette yc
by YaMuddaMan May 6, 2021
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When a MILF is playing koi and using herself as dong bait just to get attention.
"So I was at the pool the other day and this total carp starver was waving at every dick that walked by."
by SimonClint October 31, 2018
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A derogatory term for Russians

A term for those who deny the Holodomor particularly Russians

A reference to the Holodomor

Plural: Kyiv Starvers
Zelensky: The invading Kyiv Starvers are stole our grains
by Porg009 July 12, 2023
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