
A complete idiot that is so stupid they have a mind of a fucking utensil.
"Oi mate, what a spoon you are!"
by SpudManDom June 13, 2018
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How do you not know what a spoon is? dummy.
by hAYes yEEt February 22, 2019
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A Canadian yokel strange in appearance and demeanour. Although more often spotted in rural parts of Canada, known sightings are quite common in urban areas as well.
example 1.
Jim: Did you wheel any brauds on the campground?
Steve: No man, these chicks all look like a bunch of spoons.

example 2.
Spoon: Hey you fellas wanna come over for some warm cider and fish sticks after church?
by DanTheMan77 August 19, 2013
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An eating utensil. What is the fucking point in making it sex slang?
by Michael November 11, 2003
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what your friends do at 5 in the morning when they are incredibly drunk
dude pj, wanna spoon with me
by Jordan January 5, 2004
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A person that enjoys stirring the pot and causing drama between other people.

To be a shit stirrer
“I heard that Caitlin said she hated you because you were a stuck up bitch.”
“Storm, stop being such a spoon! She didn’t say that.”
by Queerdo123 December 10, 2017
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(n.) Refers to the act of being a mentally disabled, stupid, and/or silly cunt.
You're smoking your cigarette from the filter, you fucking spoon!

You are such a stupid sooon! You forgot the lighter, again.
by Bert Igermann August 4, 2018
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