
1. An eating utinsel, usually made of twisted metal, but can also be carved from word or shaped of perceline. Can also be carved of marbel and is often considered one of the most idiotic things to collect.
2. A type of "pipe" used for smoking various combustible substances, usually affiliated with marijuana.
3. A type of cuddling in which the male lays back and the female positions herself, resting with her back against the male.
4. A type of sex similar to the above definition, but the man's penis is inserted into the womans vagina as she rests against him.
5. A band that came out of Texas and is widely exclaimed.
6. An insult that could be used against a mentally retarded or dense person. Can also be used against someone cought in the act of acting stupid.
"Ned, I do not understand why you INSIST on colecting so many of these blasted SPOONS!"

"Hey man, bring your best shit over tonight. I got a new spoon!"

Reggie and Catherine were spooning by the fire, just to enjoy each others company.

Ted's favourite position is spooning.

Times magazine did a cover story on the new hit sensation "Spoon".

"Oh my GOD, Fred! You are such a SPOON!"
"Hey retard, why don't you go back to your mommy and speak in spoon to her?! *assumes a steriotypical 'retard' position by placing hand limply thumping against chest and adjusting face to look stupid* Durrr, durrr, durrr!"
by Kazaaar Dereph E'Nairon October 26, 2006
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A very powerfull waterbending tool, it may damage the user. It comes in various sizes.

Can be commonly found in Ikea stores and drawers.
Son: my shirt is now damp after i was doing the dishes.
Mom: well you should've been more carefull when washing spoons.
by An expirienced person March 21, 2021
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One of the spoons he was taking care of put his head through the television.
by playsthecat July 26, 2020
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Nathan bring your spoon to my house for playing lacrosse.

Naveed you shouldn't even have that spoon you suck at lacrosse.
by Clausen8657 May 21, 2011
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Use a fucking spoon to eat dumbass.
by sfhbayuwsfyhuw April 9, 2022
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An insult,
Someone you don't trust with a fork.
"Josh is such a spoon."
"Oi Tony pass the ball you spoon."
by Oompada November 26, 2016
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Excellent, good, great, amazing, fashionable, on trend, on point,
Wow mate, that trick is totally spoon or Nice shirt mate... You look well spoon
by HankTheBusDriver January 24, 2021
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