
An awesome and legendary guy who is gentle and sexy and hot! everyone wants him!
omg Sofian is legendary!
Shit look at all those girls that runs after Sofian
damn i wish i was as hot as Sofian!
by Ateuss August 7, 2011
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sofian if you see this i literally love you so much
sofian you are so good at soccer
by diamond34 October 24, 2020
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Greek meaning Wisdom or Arabic meaning Sandstorm or one who walks fast. The name also has a French and Italian origin.
French transcription of the Arabic name Sufyan meaning Sofiane.
by Michael GH June 23, 2007
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very stylish, smart and elegant guy.
Wow, look at that guy there, he really looks like a Sofiane
by sofianesim September 25, 2010
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De knapste ook wel herkend als de sexsgod

Past zich aan iedereen en deze jongens hebben altijd vrijwel in sixpack

Als je moet kiezen ga dan voor hem

Zonder twijfel deze mannen hebben meestal ook de grootste lul zeker als ze jong zijn

S van sexs of van oraal f van fuck i van intresse a van aantrekkelijk n van nestelend e van eerlijk
by Nhel_zemelboek June 1, 2020
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Hot and sexy and has a lot of presence. His name means that he is a sandstorm.
sofiane went through here i can feel it
by besig November 26, 2021
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Someone who likes to naruto run and pull the funniest face as they are confused
Sofiane is a battyfish
by Onomatisseur September 22, 2020
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