when a group of friends play a word filling game and someone says "Anti Semitic Porn star Cult" as an answer
Person 1: what is something that you would not want to see in a grocery store
Person 2: An anti semitic pornstar cult
Group: *laughter*
by Drip_poke July 22, 2022
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Another genius invention of Donald Trump, although not as genius as covfefe.
Yo-Semite! is a friendly way to greet your Jewish neighbour, however, use it with caution since you'll probably get a few weird looks.
by TheAlmightyOneYHWH August 8, 2020
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A group of lemmings who blindly follow Donald Trump at every turn.
Donald exposed his shitty anus to the world but his Yo-Semites quickly rushed to wipe it.
by NoNeckDude August 4, 2020
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1. A common greeting in old Williamsburg usually exchanged between Jews or Arabs.

2. Something a fucking moron says when he's reading the teleprompter and has never heard of one of America's most spectacular National Parks.

by Patrick August 4, 2020
when they gaze upon Yo Semite -- YO-se-min-NIGHT's towering sequoias, their love of country grows
by Habibullah August 4, 2020
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