Seattle Stew is great tasting dish made from IKEA meatballs that have horse-meat in them. It could be eaten on the anniversary of the death of the famous racehorse called Seattle Slew out of either respect or disrespect.
Alternatively, if one opened a slaughterhouse for horses in Seattle, Washington, one could call stew containing horse meat Seattle stew.
Alternatively, if one opened a slaughterhouse for horses in Seattle, Washington, one could call stew containing horse meat Seattle stew.
I just ate some meatballs from IKEA and when I found out that I had done so I got to thinking about horses and then I remembered the legendary Seattle Slew. hence the name, Seattle Stew.
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 25, 2013
by Xippo June 7, 2024
When you cover your cock with dirt, and put a bag over it (acts as a poor mans condom) and fuck anally.
by analvagina December 7, 2013
A sexual act in which you lay in a bathtub full of water and have a prostitute takes a shit on you while you take in the Pungent Sound.
by Lucas Kergin June 23, 2019