by Profanity personified April 6, 2004
1 "man did you hear about the super collider in CERN being activated?"
2 " no no man, French commandos blew it up!"
1 "Man your such a ruddy"
rudy rube
2 " no no man, French commandos blew it up!"
1 "Man your such a ruddy"
rudy rube
by Kingverner June 29, 2011
by <3cummon November 23, 2011
by maniac321 September 22, 2010
1: a risky situation that people usually take precaution to.
2: if something is low quality or a scam.
2: if something is low quality or a scam.
Don't go down that lane its ruddy as.
You know that Tony guy? The stuff he sells is so fucking ruddy, I wouldn't trust him
You know that Tony guy? The stuff he sells is so fucking ruddy, I wouldn't trust him
by _emiliokc_ March 9, 2017
The act of agressivly pursuing women without throught to the consequences. Often a bribe of sweeties is used to tempt the lady.
by rudster January 4, 2010
Will - "Mate, you making it to town?"
Charlie - "Dunno lad, those sourz and tetley's got me ruddied"
Charlie - "Dunno lad, those sourz and tetley's got me ruddied"
by loudeyzo July 28, 2017