3 definitions by _emiliokc_

To steal or mug of a person. Usually money or items of clothing. Different to stealing as you are taking from the person themself.
Don't go to that park, some kid got rolled in there.
by _emiliokc_ March 9, 2017
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1: a risky situation that people usually take precaution to.
2: if something is low quality or a scam.

Don't go down that lane its ruddy as.
You know that Tony guy? The stuff he sells is so fucking ruddy, I wouldn't trust him
by _emiliokc_ March 9, 2017
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(AUS) Sketchy or a risky situation.
Typically used in the 'Inner West' of Sydney.
That old factory climb was red hot, ay.
by _emiliokc_ March 9, 2017
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