Unable to reach an erection. Due to prolonged drug abuse. See 'Billy Willy'
Yo! That's some serious shit man!!! It's given me the Rubber Dick!!!
by Sevenstrokesofthemonkey July 20, 2003
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Originally a military slang term to indicate when a superior starts an apparently friendly conversation only to assign some crappy job duty to you.

It has expanded in general use to indicate anytime someone is nice to with the sole intention of screwing you over. It is particularly appropriate for describing when someone is the victim of a "long con" or when you get burned so dramatically that it leaves no doubt that the person who did it thoroughly planned to do so.

It comes from the idea of a husband who can't (or won't) have sex with his wife turning out the lights and screwing her with a rubber dick in the dark.
Boss: Did you see the playoff last night? Man that was some game!
Peon: Yeah, pretty exciting.
Boss: We're having a few people over tomorrow to watch the final. Do you have any plans?
Peon: No, I was probably just going to go to a sportsbar to catch the game.
Boss: Good, then you won't mind working a double shift.

I really thought Bill was doing me a favor by offering to watch my house while I was on vacation, but he just rubber dicked me because I got back and all my stuff was gone.
by Jack Bard July 16, 2013
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When two men slap their flaccid dicks together and have them bounce back like rubber.
When Rob and Jim could not give one another an erection, a little rubber dicking was in order.
by nosferahtan May 8, 2013
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When you finish masturbating but you're still a little hard
"Rubber Dick"
I have rubber dick.
by ethio_ethio September 29, 2017
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Describing any situation that you feel is lame, boring, or otherwise below your standard.
Hey dude, this party sucks.
I know man, it's gayer than a bag of rubber dicks. And that's pretty gay!
by Akamaitek August 18, 2006
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something that is crude and rude. It is a noun.
I would not fuck you with a rubber donkey dick. And or...that sucks rubber donkey dick.
by fluffer November 23, 2002
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