A combination of the words "rad" and "spectacular".
Lesbian mud wrestling is radtacular.
by $$$ February 22, 2004
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Slang term.
Used to completment or express the coolness of a situation, object or person.
Dude, that 360 was radtacular.
by Andrew Christie January 23, 2007
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An adjective, to describe an object or event that is both Radical, and indeed spectacular. Such things would include firework-powered skateboards and Puppies with jetpacks.
Hey,Joe,did you see that race crash on TV yesterday?" "Sure did, Bob, it was totally radtacular!
by Jace Lightning January 8, 2011
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An expression of rejoice used in moments of satisfaction, especially to regard something as amazing. Use of this term may make someone, as a side effect, look like a tool.
Theo tried telling Eliza that her hair was radtacular, but she told him to fuck off; he was shaking his hips like a douchebag.

"That's so spectacular, it's rad and hipster. That's... you guessed it! Radtacular!"
by Fyedka_Rules July 20, 2014
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