Eyes with deep big black rings under and sort of around them, that makes you look like a raccoon. Mostly common in sleep-deprived people, yes I'm talking to you, you Tik Tok addict now get some sleep.
by PablosDrugs August 14, 2020
When you have been partying hard for a few days with no sleep you get dark rings around your eyes, known as raccoon eyes..
by PLaY KiTTY December 11, 2009
When you cry in the bathroom and then look in the mirror to discover your mascara has run down your face.
by Erica Stratton January 22, 2008
when you wear your sunglasses in the sun too long and get the reverse racoon look. Most common in spring skiing while wearing goggles.
by OV08 March 10, 2010
when a guy puts his balls into the eyes of a woman and slaps her in the eyes with them until she gets 2 black eyes
by cookiemonster2222 May 25, 2014
by Petesbeeps July 23, 2017
After a long night of drinking you will usually get terrible mud butt (aka the beer shits) the next morning, after your first chocolate shotgun of the day you stand up without wiping your ass, approach the nearest passed out person and while holding your butt cheeks apart you firmly press your asshole around that person's eyeball leaving a perfect ring around the person's eye.
by OKCsavage May 30, 2009