A cool indian indian.
RT is the coolest indian I know.
by l2yan April 17, 2006
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1. Rapers of Tits or Rape Tits.
2. A Xbox 360 Clan RT Bucknuts
3. Rape Tits may be also substituted for "Do Work son" or destroy someone in a video game/sporting event atmosphere.
4. Also known as an act by having sexual intercourse with Boobs.
Bro you wanna R some T's tonight?" "Brrrr! We are truly RT in everything that we do" "RT nigga!"
by RT Bucknut 1 July 9, 2010
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Real-Time Strategy. Refers to a strategy-based computer game, generally involving management of an army or civilization.
by Geoff January 20, 2003
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Internet lingo for "real talk" as in serious or true. Usually the time it is used in the context of true it can be synonymous with the popular saying "I know, right?" (ikr)
Meaning: true
Harry: She does not know how to grade at all!
Maya: rt, rt!
Meaning: serious
Clare: You joke around too much. Can we like for once have an rt conversation?
by kandy_is_bored June 17, 2010
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It's is a abbreviation for real truth, and is a quick reply to someone who says bs when it is not
George: I saw a dog with pink fur
Sam: bs
George: rt
by James dalad September 21, 2014
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It's 'right' but shortend

"Right" the first and last letter "rt"
by Emmy.12223 January 16, 2017
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