by Terry motherfuckin lefevre February 23, 2017
A pussy fart is the expelling of air from the vagina after a particularly long and rigorous sex session. It is also known as "Vaginal Tourette's"
"Damn I was bangin her balls deep and when I pulled out she let loose with the biggest pussy fart I EVER heard!" "Daaaaang - that bitch got Vaginal Tourettes!!!"
by NJRichie December 16, 2013
An expulsion of trapped air from the vagina after an act of sexual intercourse or, less commonly, vigorous cunnilingus, accompanied by a loud report resembliong the expulsion of methane gas from the anus. In women with extremely prominent labia and tight vaginas, a "pussy fart" may resemble a growling noise not unlike that of a feline, which may have given rise to the term "pussy" for the female genitalia.
I was enjoyng a cigarette after banging Roz and dang! Her pussy farted loud as a howitzer and nearly blew out my smoke!
by Tunmy AuGratin February 24, 2006
Sometimes when I have had sex the chicks vagina farted while I was fucking her. The 1st time it happened I told a friend that her pussy made a farting sound and he told me thats a pussy fart that Starlene did on your dick. When I fucked this girl Nadine, her pussy farted a lot. Nadine had fucked these other guys I knew also. Nadine became my girlfriend. I think her pussy farted so much because it was tight. Chicks with loose pussies or huge vaginas do not pussy fart.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 18, 2017
by Will Myers June 4, 2006
Gas expelled from the vagina after it has been thoroughly satisfied by a big hard cock or long sticky fingaz.
by venusflytrap January 18, 2005
by carlinisgod June 15, 2007