Also known as the front-ensemble. Usually most talented in band. Brings color and warmth to music in marching band/drum corps. Usually related to drumline. Section that gets most crap for not having to march but yet takes most skill, technique, and practicing.
by OldSchoolDrummin15 December 18, 2008
Preferably the Front Ensemble. The most abused part of the marching band by hornline members for their lack of marching. And yet also the section that adds great music in, has to push around enormous instruments and often get tendinitis or carpal tunnel from all the practicing. The section that takes the most work, concentration, and definitely puts in the most practice hours. The Front is their own family with the most weird jokes, creepy innuendos and most laughs. Also the section that loves one another and will do most anything for the another section member. The Front is part of the Drumline although it is often excluded from all groups.
by FrontEnsembleNinja November 12, 2009
Slam pitting, a style of dance to heavy metal where people will attack each other to music. Also know as moshing, mosh pit, circle pit.
by Anonymous March 13, 2003
by Jimmy Laz May 8, 2008
an area at a hardcore or metalcore show in the middle of the floor where moshing occurs. the moshing here is often beatdown style or hardxcore "dancing"
by xjonxcorex (Jon) July 30, 2005
by AngelCakeUke October 18, 2008
1. A large hole in the ground.
2. An extremely offensive word, should be used with absolute caution and without ambiguity.
2. An extremely offensive word, should be used with absolute caution and without ambiguity.
by 9PITPIT9 June 24, 2022