If you copy it I'll fucking kill you.
Person 1: This is my invention, its patented
Person 2: I'll just copy that...
Person 1: FIE UPON YOU!
(murders Person 2)
by SpeckledJim November 15, 2010
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- George W. protects the freedom and liberty of America.
- You do realize that's patent bullshit, don't you.
by PoopyPoo May 19, 2005
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A legal that inventors have to come up with so other people don't steal or wordgank/wordtheir inventions.
"I didn't get a patent on my "Scat-a-pult" and someone put one on the market already.
by meetoo September 6, 2003
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To take an existing commodity and claim ownership over its production rights.
Let's patent rice and sell it to the asians.
by Adam Roberts' Cat November 19, 2011
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Pattern. Used when a person has a trick up his sleeves.
Oui ah chootee, you always patent more than badminton.
by mightydodo November 2, 2010
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a trophy or award given to you that you earned by something you did
jackson earned 2 patents for his project on the telephone
by ashash123 January 24, 2009
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A company-or divison of a company-whose sole reason for being is to sue other companies/individuals for patent infringment.Sometimes the troll is a large tech company with many patents.Other times it's a smaller company that purchases patents...then goes huntin'.Don't let this stop you from makin' shit.
ruled today that PATENT TROLL NTP's claims
against RIM are invalid.Whew...that was
close!More after these emai-uh messages."
by L.MARTIN December 22, 2005
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