
1. A mode, model, example or blueprint.

2. A set of ideas, assumptions, and values that can be used to live, view the world in the logic of the society.
1. The values, integrity, and disciplines of old civilizations are the paradigms we use for today.

2. What was science-fiction is now a paradigm for the science of the present and the future.
by NotKnownToYou February 5, 2009
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The most annoying and misused word in the English language; used intentionally by stupid people to sound smart or by smart people to sound unintentionally stupid.
Ah yes, it is indeed the great post-modern paradigm of our age.
by Jambone March 27, 2004
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My name is Seven and I looooove the paradigm fortnite
by AwesomePlayz January 4, 2023
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A word coined by Thomas Kuhn to describe a closed set of scientific theories that are coherent and are well accepted by the larger scientific community.

Also see paradigm shift.
My new quantum theory is garanteed to shake the scientific community and cause a paradigm shift towards a new set of theories.
by Nathar Leichoz February 15, 2005
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The same as mindset. It defines how you treat daily events and handle situations.

What we see is distorted by what we want to see. Paradigm is a combination of your attitude and knowledge. A bad paradigm might completely contradicts the real nature of objects that are perceived by mind and leads to poor reaction.
Money-centric paradigm is a popular paradigm. People ruled by it always put money matter at highest priority and blind themselves b/c of it.
by KVL July 11, 2010
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A pair of dimes, i.e. twenty (20) cents.
The expensive consultant helped us discover new paradigms by looking for loose change on the floor.
by Cunningest Linguist May 8, 2006
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1. An example the majority of people follow, an establishment, set of values or ways

2. Paradigm City, Unknown Country. Established: more than forty years ago. Population: amnestic. Location: your local anime store;
People here don't really know what happened when they lost their memories forty years ago, so they move on.
1. I don't usually go with the paradigm.
2. Paradigm City's inhabitants remind me of the book (gasp! a book! run!) 1984 by George Orwell.
by miso November 27, 2003
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