by SpamUp___ June 20, 2010
To relax for a long time or to be lazy/tried for a for a certain periodic time.
Often used to described a feeling of being extremely tried.
Can be used to describe boredom as panning is associated whit a lack of Activity.
A word that was created and popularized by the pan society of Ireland. (D.B ,C.M ,D.l J.C)
Often used to described a feeling of being extremely tried.
Can be used to describe boredom as panning is associated whit a lack of Activity.
A word that was created and popularized by the pan society of Ireland. (D.B ,C.M ,D.l J.C)
I went out last night and I got smashed. I spent the whole morning after panning.
I am Absolutely panned.
Stop panning!
Get your pan off my pan !
I am Absolutely panned.
Stop panning!
Get your pan off my pan !
by Johnny B November 1, 2018
The act of being extremely clingy, even to the point of latching onto your significant other's arm. Usually found in women.
Yeah, I slept with her last night and now she's totally panning me!
She hasn't left you alone for a minute.
She hasn't left you alone for a minute.
by Laser Cat April 15, 2010
by Anonymous April 28, 2003
by Martin_z07 July 20, 2006
by Spencer April 28, 2003
The Apple Pan in Los Angeles on Pico Blvd. Home of the Hickory burger, Steak Burger, Fries (extra crisp of course,) and many incredible pies. Has a table top seating area with great service and a huge fan base.
by mattc April 24, 2005