48 definitions by Spencer

A funny show, I love it!

people are trying to get they're point across that it is a bad show or that it steals from the Simpsons, which is a show i also like. People if you think it sucks why even bother taking the time to whine about it here, if you think people who watch it are stupid, then good for you, and know you're smarter for not caring or watching the show, If you love family guy , doesn't mean you have to make others like it to. sure you can love it and watch it, i do , and if you dont like it, don't watch it.
Family guy is so cool

I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!
by Spencer June 17, 2006
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The sound made by those lacking the intellect necessary to form intelligible words.
Staring at him blankly, totally crushed by his words, beaw suddenly screeched from his lips with an aggressive anger over having been so easily shown up.
by Spencer April 29, 2003
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One who shits in the shower and stomps on it untill it goes down the drain.
Sander Cole is a waffle stomper and he over uses the term too
by Spencer April 8, 2005
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The coolest girl around..very sexy..also see smart,funny,epic and awesome.
woah she be taelin'

that girl is so taelin'
by Spencer August 15, 2004
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Don't make me kick you in the nads, Beavis.
by Spencer February 2, 2003
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A big massive penis.... usually used for a pogo stick
Dude, i been bouncing on my 4 footer lately....
by Spencer January 5, 2004
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A character from homestarrunner.com . He is a total nonsense character that says total gibberish.
"I'm the o-RIG-onal ladies' man!"
"I was raised by a cup of coffee."
"It's the pride of the peaches."
by Spencer April 11, 2003
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